Restaurante Valparaiso
Ctra de Mijas km 14
GPS:36° 3'' 39,7' Nord
          4° 34'' 11,6' West
Google Map

special nights



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Choices of Starters
Fresh Cream of Pompkin Soup
Spring Rolls with Spicy Sauce
Barbequed Spare Ribs

Choices of Main Course
- Penne Arrabiate
- Fresh Salmon with Pink Peppercorn Sauce
- Chicken Breast with ParmaHam, Ricotta,
Mozarella and Spicy Tomatoe Sauce

Choices of Desserts
- Pompkin Pie served hot with Vanilla Ice Cream
- Mixed Ice Cream and Sorbets
-Strawberries with a Special Peppercorn and Orange Juice


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  • Warning: Undefined variable $ravioli_filled_with_pumpkin in /home/yfaaryce/ on line 130

  • Warning: Undefined variable $suckling_pig_with_pumpkin_sauce in /home/yfaaryce/ on line 134

  • Warning: Undefined variable $chicken_breast_with_devil_sauce in /home/yfaaryce/ on line 138


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Warning: Undefined variable $for_a_frightful_evening in /home/yfaaryce/ on line 145

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The Valparaiso has something for everyone!
private golfer rooms for reunions and events

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office parties

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weddings and functions

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special celebrations

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